Fire Alarm Control Panel

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Fire Alarm Control Panel


The fire alarm control panel (FACP), fire alarm control unit (FACU), or simply fire alarm panel processes signals received from devices to activate appropriate signals and other responses.


3 Types Of Signals Processed At The FACP


Fire Alarm Signal means there is a possible fire at the location of the initiating device.


Supervisory Signals mean that a part of the system or device is not correctly placed or has been tampered with.

Some Devices That Cause Supervisory Signals


Trouble Signals indicate that there is a malfunction with some part of the fire system.


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Actions To Take When A Signal Is Received

Acknowledge. An acknowledge button, also abbreviated as (ACK) is used to acknowledge alarm, trouble or supervisory conditions. The sequence and procedures may differ in every fire alarm system; however, it is important for the C of F holder, when present and practical, to report to the FACP location whenever the alarm is activated.


Alarm Silence. The alarm silence switch is used to silence the building audible and visual devices (such as sirens, bells or gongs) after an evacuation is complete while the source of alarm is being investigated. Never reset the fire alarm system until the condition is verified by the FDNY personnel. Depending on the configuration of the alarm system, this function will either silence the system’s notification appliances completely, or will silence only the audible alarm, with strobe lights continuing to flash. However, the silence switch does not prevent a signal from being transmitted to a FDNY approved central station company. Audible silence allows for easier communication for emergency responders while responding to an alarm.


System Reset. The type and number of ways may vary depending on fire system. This switch is used to reset the fire alarm system after an alarm condition has been cleared. All initiating devices should return to normal condition after manually resetting. If an initiating device is still in alarm after the system is reset, such as smoke detectors continuing to sense smoke, or a manual pull station still in an activated position, another alarm will be generated. A system reset is required to clear alarm conditions. A system reset does not clear trouble conditions. After a fire alarm is reset, the fan usually requires restarting from a separate “fan restart” button or key switch.

A FACP indicating an alarm signal cannot be reset to “normal” if the device or devices signaling the alarm to the FACP have not returned to a normal state from an alarm state.
