Inspection of Extinguishers

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Fire Extinguisher Inspection Procedures

To make sure Fire extinguishers function when they need to, they must be maintained on a regular basis. Fire extinguishers must be inspected every 30 days.

Portable fire extinguishers must be inspected when initially placed in service and at least monthly thereafter. Periodic inspection of portable fire extinguishers must include a check of at least the following items:


Ensure that the extinguisher is in the correct location

Fire extinguishers have preassigned locations that ensure there is an extinguisher within close proximity during an emergency. Any extinguishers out of place should be returned to their intended location.



Ensure The Extinguisher Is Easily Located and Unobstructed

For an extinguisher to be effective, it must be found. Make sure that signs (if applicable) not damaged and properly placed. Extinguishers should not be blocked by furniture, boxes or other obstructions.




Ensure The Correct Labeling and Presence of Safety Components

The instructions for operating the extinguisher needs to be on the nameplate and it is legible and facing outward. Safety pins are in place.





Not Empty and No Damage

The fire extinguisher is full, determined by holding and weighing. Examination for obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or clogged nozzle.






Ensure The Pressure Gauge Is In The Correct Position

The needle on the pressure gauge should be located in the operable area of the pressure indicator.



When an inspection of any portable fire extinguisher reveals a deficiency in any of the conditions immediate corrective action must be taken.
